I actually just have to correct you a bit. We have not been happy with the amount of information we've been receiving. One of the reasons we brought the ranchers down here last week was so that they could tell their story. We asked for a briefing and we got one phone call: that's pretty much all. We had to ask for a second briefing. I was told I needed to talk to the minister's office. They wouldn't talk to me. I see that in the last day or so, I assume because you're here, we got a call from the office saying that they'd now like to do a briefing with us.
So the communication has not been what it needs to be. It's been what we expected, I guess. Ranchers have been frustrated as well.
I actually should bring up another issue. Last week, when the ranchers got back, basically the beef industry got the message from CFIA that the ranchers shouldn't have been here: they went too far in their conversation. I'm wondering, did that direction or that conversation from CFIA come from your office?