The grain companies now and some of the crop researchers, the Syngentas of the world, are doing a lot of research. We do have the fund, which I think is upwards of $60 million, in the Western Grains Research Foundation, and they are doing some research as well.
It's a very tough thing, because every part of the Prairies needs different research. Some areas are droughted out, and other areas are being completely flooded out. I think the key thing to focus on is having that level playing field, making sure that some of our agri-insurance is in place. If we're able to invest in what we put into the ground especially, that's what it comes down to. If we can profitable, we know we can put more into the crop. By putting more into the crop, that decreases the risk of using these insurance programs because usually we're able to grow the yields.
I think we just need to make sure that those programs are definitely bankable from the beginning so that we know what we're going to have and that we're able to have trust in putting the investment into the crop. From there, we can push forward. Then we can use some of these new technologies as far as drought-tolerant seeds are concerned.
A good example is seed treatments. One of the problems we have in western Canada is the wireworm. It's a little worm that's in the ground. You can't do anything about it because it's under the ground and it eats your seed. You have a crop, and then three weeks later you have nothing. Without seed treatments, which are the only way to protect against that, you might as well pack up and go home, because there's no other answer. Without those types of products and research, we would be in very deep trouble.