Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I appreciate the opportunity to open this discussion around the supplementary estimates (C) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for 2015-2016. This afternoon, I am joined by my colleague Tina Namiesniowski, Assistant Deputy Minister, Programs Branch, for which the funds related to the appropriations under discussion today are mainly intended. We are here to discuss the department's financial picture in relation to supplementary estimates (C).
To provide a bit of background, supplementary estimates are part of the normal parliamentary approval process to ensure that previously planned government initiatives receive the necessary funding to move them forward, to meet the needs of Canadians. The estimates present information to Parliament on the Government of Canada's spending requirements that were not sufficiently developed in time for inclusion in the main estimates. That is what was done last year around the same time. The supplementary estimates may from time to time include funding for urgent but unforseen expenditures.
Supplementary estimates, which directly support an appropriation act, are published throughout the year; each release is identified alphabetically—A, B or C. In a routine year, supplementary estimates (A) are tabled in May. The associated appropriation act is tabled in Parliament and normally granted royal assent and becomes law in late June. These provide federal organizations with the funding they need early in the fiscal year. Supplementary estimates (B) are normally tabled in late October or early November, and the associated appropriation act is granted royal assent in December. Supplementary estimates (C), such as these, we are discussing today, are tabled in February, and the associated appropriation act is granted royal assent in March.
The supplementary estimates (C) you have before you for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada total $47.8 million. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's spending authorities for 2015-2016, up to the end of March 2016, total approximately $2.4 billion. That reflects the total of these supplementary estimates, the main estimates from the start of the fiscal year, supplementary estimates (A) that were approved last June, and the funding carried over from last fiscal year.
Since supplementary estimates (B) are limited to essential authorities for the government's urgent obligations, and due to the election, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada did not have any items included in that fiscal year.
The majority of the funding in the supplementary estimates (C) is for cost-shared programming with provinces and territories, under Growing Forward 2. The funds target innovation, competitiveness and market development.
Let's briefly put Growing Forward 2 into context. This is the third year of the five-year Growing Forward 2 framework. Federal, provincial and territorial governments are investing $3 billion over five years—or $600 million a year—to support innovation, competitiveness and market development in Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector. Funding of $2 billion is for cost-shared programming with the provinces and territories, and $1 billion is for federal strategic initiatives.
To get back to the 2015-2016 supplementary estimates (C), $35 million is related to cost-shared programming with the provinces and territories under Growing Forward 2.
To break down that $35 million, it is cost-shared with the provinces, and it's divided into three major themes.
The first element is $17.4 million for cost-shared programming in competitiveness and market development.
The second element is $14.8 million for cost-shared programming in innovation.
The third element is $3.3 million for cost-shared programming in adaptability and industry capacity.
As well, the department received revenue royalties for intellectual property. There's an amount of $6.6 million related to licences and royalties from crown-owned intellectual property, which Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada collected and deposited in the CRF in the previous fiscal year 2014-15. This amount is available this year to reinvest in our operation in science and technology.
Royalties are collected for numerous agriculture commodities that have been developed by our scientists. These commodities range from grains and oilseeds to fruits and flowers.
Another element of revenue is from the sale of real property. There is $5.5 million in funding related to revenues from the sale of six real properties in fiscal year 2014-15 and some in 2015-16. These revenues are reinvested into the capital budget of the department.
We also have revenues of $340,000 from sales and services related to research, equipment rental, and facilities rentals, earned in 2014-15 and again deposited in the CRF. The department is now accessing these funds for use in this fiscal year. Again, it's in support of our research function and to maintain our facilities and equipment.
Finally, in the estimates section, you will see that there are transfers between departments. Some of those amounts relate to our activities with other federal departments. We're receiving from Shared Services Canada an amount of $5,000, and we're transferring to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development an amount of $81,000, primarily to support our staff located at missions abroad.
You'll also see that I've provided information on the estimates process if you want to go into further details later on. It's a document that has been prepared by Treasury Board, which I personally find very helpful in terms of a picture of where we are. I would refer you to either page 7 or page 9 of this document, as it gives a good picture of the estimates process.
Mr. Chair, thank you very much. My colleague Tina and I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.