Certainly I can start, and then hopefully have some support as well.
Issues of market access of importance to the canola industry are addressed collectively by the industry, and we engage with our members to be able to maximize our efforts when doing so. We come to government with a clear articulation of the most important issues that need to be addressed for our industry to be profitable, and we do that on a regular basis. For example, for the last six years we've had an annual meeting with the market access secretariat in the canola sector and we talk about our plans for the year and our priorities to address market access issues, including non-tariff barriers. We have an open dialogue, a regular dialogue, that helps that.
How we execute that internationally is also through our collective organizations in the grain sector, for example the Canada Grains Council. The Canola Council and the Canola Growers are both members of the Canada Grains Council and they engage internationally with an organization called the International Grain Trade Coalition, where we look at issues from around the world that are affecting the trade of grains and oilseeds and we can work collectively with our industry partners to be able to address them.