Thank you, Madam Chair and members of the committee.
On behalf of CropLife Canada and its member companies, we are pleased to have the opportunity to contribute to your study of PMRA's recent proposed decision on imidacloprid.
I'm joined today by my colleague, Dr. Maria Trainer.
CropLife Canada is the commercial association that represents manufacturers, developers and distributors of plant science innovations, including crop protection products and plant biotechnology products for use in agriculture, in cities and in public health. We are committed to protecting human health and the environment and we believe in ongoing research to stimulate innovation.
Our mission is to enable the plant science industry to make the benefits of its technologies available to farmers and the public. These benefits are varied, including reliable and effective tools to help Canadian farmers feed the world and, in turn, stimulate agricultural exports and job creation, strengthen rural economies, and boost government tax revenues.
Agriculture, as Dominic Barton states in his recent report to government, is a sector of enormous potential for this country, but it requires a supportive environment in order to truly thrive. CropLife Canada believes that a predictable, science- and risk-based regulatory system for pesticides in Canada is key to this agricultural success. The protection of human health and the environment is a top priority for our industry, and we believe that our track record clearly demonstrates that. The advances that have been made in plant sciences have contributed to significantly improved human health, lower risk for farmers, and reduced environmental impact.
As an industry, we're strong proponents of the pesticide re-evaluation process, which ensures that regulatory decisions are always founded on the most current available science. This process protects Canadians, and it is one we wholeheartedly support. Protections like this in the Pest Control Products Act are part of the reason why PMRA is seen as a leader in risk-based evaluations of pesticides by regulatory bodies throughout the world.
However, PMRA has deviated from its normal process in a series of proposed re-evaluation decisions it has made in the past year, and that has been a cause for concern. Many of these proposed decisions, with imidacloprid being simply the latest, have lacked the transparency and predictability for agriculture stakeholders that we have come to expect from PMRA. We fear that these essential components are being missed as the agency rushes to meet arbitrarily imposed deadlines. Some of this appears, in our view, to be fallout from the January 2016 report of the commissioner of the environment and sustainable development, or CESD, and an overreaction to criticisms contained therein.
Our specific concern is that after a re-evaluation is initiated and potential red flags are identified, dialogue with the registrant is not being pursued. Had the PMRA initiated earlier dialogue with the registrant and other stakeholders in its re-evaluation of imidacloprid, we believe we would not be sitting before you here today.
In order to make progress on this active ingredient, there is a need to ensure that the regulator demonstrates and maintains an openness to new data and to scientific dialogue with all stakeholders, including, of course, the product registrant. Disagreements can and do exist on the interpretation of scientific data, which makes the need for an open dialogue especially urgent. Recently, we are seeing significantly less of that openness and desire for dialogue from PMRA.
It is worthwhile to contrast previous PMRA strategic plans with their present one, as that serves to exemplify some of our concerns. Previous strategic plans, from both 2003 and 2008, contained, in addition to the obvious primary mandates of human health and environmental protection, clear language about the agency's role in providing “access to pest management tools”, “timely and predictable access”, and “supporting Canadian competitiveness”, to quote just a few. This language did not lessen the importance of human health and environmental protection, but it did remind PMRA evaluators and managers that their decisions have a profound impact on agriculture and that efforts must be made to consider this in their deliberations.
The latest, 2016-21 strategic plan for PMRA contains no such language. This is a concern for us, particularly in light of the kinds of re-evaluation decisions being proposed, including the one you are studying on imidacloprid. As mentioned, the audit report from the CESD sharply criticized the PMRA on some of their re-evaluation delays. We feel that, in the haste to address this backlog, the agency is sacrificing fulsome scientific dialogue for expediency. We believe that the agency needs clear direction from the government on the interpretation of the CESD audit to ensure that decisions with clearly negative impacts on a major sector of our economy are not made in haste.
In addition to the pressure the agency faces from the audit, there has been a huge increase in activist pressure in recent years. For example, there have been increases in form letters submitted by click-and-submit sites set up by activist groups, more media attention, and even some U.S.-style lawsuits from activist groups. Surely, this is affecting workload, not to mention morale.
Is it creating a risk averse environment at the agency? We're not sure, but recent actions by the agency would suggest it could be.
Canada is and should continue to be a global leader in sustainable agriculture. That was certainly the intent of the recent report from the council of economic growth chaired by Dominic Barton. Mr. Barton sees the immense potential that Canada has to continue to increase its agricultural productivity and exports, increase agri-food production and truly take advantage of the opportunities that exist for us globally.
With its strong work at the international level, the PMRA has been a leader, which has resulted in new technologies coming to Canadian growers at the same time as their competitors in the U.S. and elsewhere. We're concerned that this commendable action on new products is being undermined by the agency's re-evaluation approach and decisions, just as the Government of Canada is looking to agriculture as an avenue for economic growth.
Our global members, some of whom are sitting here next to me, need predictability in order to invest here in Canada. Recent re-evaluation proposals are sending shock waves among our members. Our fear is that, if Canada becomes a high-risk or unpredictable market, we will miss out on new opportunities.
This is certainly not the environment envisioned by Dominic Barton and his colleagues when they wrote their report and we do not believe that this is the policy intent of the Government of Canada. This is why we're looking to this committee and the Minister of Agriculture and the Minister of Health for leadership to help ensure PMRA's re-evaluation program doesn't undo all the good work that has been done to get new products registered by, at the same time, tarnishing the reputation of approved products without first having done a thorough and transparent examination of all the data.
We need to avoid damaging the competitiveness of Canadian growers with decisions that provide questionable health and environmental protection. Specifically, agriculture stakeholders are looking for a fair scientific discussion from PMRA with potential input from external expertise on imidacloprid.
There needs to be flexibility on timing for new data on this product, so that PMRA can be certain that decisions are being based on the best possible information. We would like to see consideration given to re-evaluation process improvements as outlined earlier. We hope for a reinsertion of “enabling access” or competitiveness language in the PMRA strategic plan.
Finally, we would like to see some consideration given to the broader Canadian agriculture strategy, as articulated in the Barton report, by PMRA in its decision-making.
Thank you for your time. We look forward to your questions.