Thank you again for your question. The U.S. has standards for times. It has one standard, I think it is about 28 hours, but it also has provisions in its standard to move a little bit up and down so, for instance, if somebody says there are unforeseen circumstances that have come up, he or she can actually get permission to adjust the times.
We have prescribed standard times for different species based on the available science, based on the welfare of different species of these animals. Also we wanted to make sure that the industry has targets that it can actually comply with, so it is better from a compliance point of view, it's better efficiency from CFIA's inspection point of view, to provide those times for different species. In terms of making sure that we are on the same standard as the U.S., because there is a lot of trade of animals between the U.S. and Canada, I think that in the species and the sectors in which we trade with the U.S., we are pretty much in line with them.