It's a very good question. Yes, as I said, the transportation of these animals is a very stressful event for them. Animals in Canada are transported many times in millions of numbers. For young animals, we have a prescribed time, which is very tight, very short, shorter than for adult animals. For cows, for example, we have prescribed the time of less than 12 hours, so this is in one shot. If they have to be stopped, they have to stop over for feed, water, and rest for eight hours at least to rest.
It's the same thing for other animals. For cattle, for example, it's 36 hours, because traditionally, historically, cattle are transported east to west, and we want them to be rested if the travel goes longer than 36 hours.
It's very akin to human beings travelling. If we travel a long distance, we are in the plane for a longer period of time, we tend to get dehydrated, even if we keep drinking or eating. It's a very similar condition for animals. If you just leave them to transfer for 70 hours, 72 hours, or 80 hours, I think the research has shown that there's a deterioration of their physiological system and pathological conditions start setting in, animals get sick, and then ultimately the product that we derive from these animals is not good quality and not safe for humans.
As I said previously, we started with the science, then we adjusted based on the geographical environment in Canada. We still think that by reducing these times from the previous standards in 1977 it's going to be much better. Are we perfect? I think we are not, but it's good progress, and as the science evolves we will continue to make further progress.