Yes. A lot has changed since 1977. In 1977 animals mostly travelled by rail. Currently lots of animals travel by trucks, so that has changed.
Industry has also adjusted quite a bit. Industry has done a lot of good work. That includes producers, transporters, and everybody else. Industry has developed codes of practice for animals on the farm and also for transportation. In fact, industry is developing a transportation code. They're just waiting for these regulations to be passed so that they can adjust their code accordingly.
There is a lot of innovation in the transport system, although not as much as we would like to see. There is a lot more in Europe. In Europe they have trucks equipped with water and feeders and a lot of other things, but here in Canada I think there's a lot of innovation in terms of protecting animals from frostbite and what they need to do if the centre of the truck gets too warm. The training of these handlers will further enhance that innovation, I think.