I think those are really important points, but it comes down to the length of transport that we're starting from. If we're starting with shorter transportation times, there's less of a crisis situation that would need to be addressed by providing that water and feed. Similarly, there would be a reduced need for handling of the animals. Again, it's these extremely long journeys that put food security at risk, through handling or disease transmission, or risks to the animals themselves during unloading and loading. I fully agree that loading and unloading are the most stressful aspects, so outcome-based are good measures to use, but within the context of a reasonable length of transportation.
Having provisions on trucks is an excellent approach to use and we would recommend that, even if the industry isn't necessarily able to do that immediately upon the regulations passing. If we're so fortunate as to have them pass in the short term, then I think that, as they are coming into force, a delay could be implemented for certain provisions to allow the industry time to put in place the technological requirements needed to provide food and water for these animals.