Thank you, Chair. I'd like to thank our witnesses before committee today on this study on animal transport.
I'm just trying to go through this. When we're done our day in the House, I always go home and I try to prepare for the following days.
I must commend you on the amount of documentation provided for this study. Thank you. I'm still trying to process it all.
I'd like to start off by asking a question. We had laws put in place in 1977. Now in 2017 we're going over them after a 10-year consultation period. I know we're trying to get in line and harmonize our laws and certain of our practices in Canada with international standards. I know what we do has to be made in Canada and has to take into account the geography and the weather we have here in Canada, the four seasons.
Could you maybe comment on where Canada is as compared with the States, and maybe comment on Europe's practices and standards in comparison with regard to international animal health?