I'll follow up on that. I don't know if this is where Mr. Drouin would like to go, but our trading partners set standards. Those are not all set with science. We heard testimony that lots of factors come into this. There are political factors. In Europe the diminished geography is a factor. They can set whatever hours they want and they can still get to where they need to go. Often science is not at the centre of those decisions. How do you factor that in?
That's the first half of my question. The second one is that we've heard that your penalty structure is seen as combative. There's no appeal process to it. It's seen in the industry as a revenue generator for CFIA, actually. Are you changing that to a more collaborative approach, or are you going to continue the approach that has not generated you a lot of goodwill in the agricultural community?
So there are two sections to that. First, how do you balance the fact that many of these decisions in other countries and the standards you're talking about are not actually based on science? And second, are you going to change your role with the penalty system to make it more collaborative rather than combative?