In setting those time frames we look at available science—as I said, the group tasked with this has reviewed over 300 different scientific articles and references—our own observations, and data obtained through our compliance verification system as to whether there's compliance or non-compliance in the industry. We look at the international guidelines. We look at societal expectations. We also look at the practical realities of the Canadian situation. We don't look at any one factor in isolation. We have to look at all of them. We have to base it as well on the comments we receive from Canadians throughout our large country. Then we look at determining those timelines.
As for the administrative monetary penalties, that's one method of compliance. CFIA has also put a lot of emphasis on compliance promotion. There is recourse available at all levels. CFIA has put in place a complaints and appeals office, where anyone who has an issue can put their case forward. Administrative monetary penalties can be reviewed by the Canadian Agriculture Review Tribunal. This has been done. In some cases they've been upheld and in other cases they haven't. We learn from all of those instances where they're not upheld, and we make better decisions going forward.