Certainly part of the whole regulatory process is an economic analysis.
I want to go over a little bit of the process that was used throughout this regulation, because I'm not sure the extensiveness and the depth of the research and the analysis on this is clear.
Starting from the beginning, you will notice in the RIAS probably about 30 references to scientific journals, articles, or other opinion pieces on animal welfare. That's only a small fraction of what the group that put this regulatory amendment forward looked at. They looked at more than 300 different articles and 300 different references to how animals could be transported safely.
They also talked extensively to different parts of the industry and to various transport companies, even, to get feedback from them. How does this work? How would these changes impact you? Part of the regulatory impact analysis process is to look at the economic effect on industries.
The questionnaire that goes out as part of that regulatory process asks them to specify what the impact would be. The responses we got back didn't indicate that magnitude of impact; I can certainly say that.