From the co-operative perspective, the credit unions would be a key factor on the finance side. Their service to rural Canada in particular is very strong.
We've done a lot of work with the credit union system to work more co-operatively and in a more coordinated fashion to help their members in terms of being able to develop their operations from a financial perspective. It's just a reality that the FCC doesn't offer every product they're going to need, so we do work with other banks in almost all cases.
The other area where you see it, though, is in extensive investment in the co-operative sector in the agribusiness side, whether it's service to those along that value chain or on the processing side. It's very robust. I've seen some very exciting things happen. I think they'll be part of the solution in achieving some of the governance objectives as it relates to that 2025 goal. It will be driven to some degree through the co-operative movement and their investment out there.