There are a couple of things.
One is that we've been asking budget and finance to take a look at the tax on transition and make sure that the corporate structures are treated in a manner that is equivalent to some of the transfer provisions that were there before.
The other thing there's been a bit of discussion about—and it goes to your talk about the retiring farmer—is looking at tax policy to see if there's a way, if that person holds back a substantial mortgage, that possibly some of the income from that mortgage would have a preferred tax status. Instead of having to charge a high rate of interest because he knows he's going to have to pay a high rate of tax on it, they could actually provide those assets at a lower rate of interest.
This is where we're taking a look at this whole issue of succession planning. It's not one tool that's going to fix it. I think it's going to be a number of tools that are going to fix it. It also goes back to the business planning aspect of taking a look at how to manage those assets.
The other thing that comes into this discussion is off-farm investment.