Without question, no matter what area you talk about—and I don't know if you're referring to the foreign worker program, but that's certainly one that was of great interest to me. I know we had difficulties with the foreign worker program, but it's an essential program in many areas of the country. My view is that if you have the product and you have the manufacturing capacity, but you do not have the people, it's important that we as a government make sure that we have the people there to do that. I can assure you that I work closely with Employment and Social Development Canada.
I can tell you that for the people I represent, it's okay to say there are people on EI and this type of thing, but if there's a plant that hires 150 foreign workers and 250 or 300 local workers, if we do not have the foreign workers, we do not have the local workers. The process will move somewhere else, perhaps to the state of Maine or something. What we have to do—and I'm a big advocate of this—is to make sure as much as we can that if there are problems with the program, we repair the problems and make sure that the workers are there. It's so important, and I appreciate the question.