Of course, number one, I would say that farmers are the best stewards of the land, for sure. But indeed, all this money is allocated to making sure that green projects come into place. It helps the farmers modernize their farms in an environmental way. That's why this program was put in place.
We also understand quite clearly that the $2 million last year was not nearly enough, so we more than doubled it this year. I'm very pleased that we did because we are moving on the environmental side in order to make sure that the agricultural sector is able to move even more forward. Nobody is more concerned about the land and a lot of issues on the environment than farmers. Being one myself, I understand you can't let it wash away, and there are a lot of things you have to do as a farmer.
This gives young people an opportunity to work on farms, to see these projects taking place. I think these programs.... Well, I know that last year was so successful, and the next couple of years will bring even more benefits to the agricultural sector, and always young people are looking at, “Well, what's your experience?” Well, they'll have experience. That's another important part in a very important field.