First of all, we were involved fairly early with them when they started out. I think there was a lot of hope about addressing a number of common issues that we have to deal with. I think they did a good job initially. They seem to have lost a bit of steam. Possibly that's because there hasn't been a really good effort to clearly identify specifically some of the regulatory barriers that we have. That almost comes into taking a look at the Senate report and one of their recommendations about putting a committee together to identify specifically what non-tariff barriers are being faced. Unless you can clearly articulate what the barriers are, then you're in a very difficult situation to negotiate and influence change. It's very easy for people to go into general comments saying, “Oh, yes, it's all about regulations.” Well, we need to start boring down to the specific types of regulations that are a difficulty and ensure that groups like the Regulatory Cooperation Council have that ammunition when they go to talk with their American counterparts.