You are right. We are now embarking on that engagement process. You will recall that during my last visit here we spoke briefly about the shared jurisdiction that agriculture experiences. Both the federal and provincial governments have responsibility, which imposes on governments the obligation to ensure that policies and programs are aligned, as much as possible. The policy frameworks that we put in place are negotiated with provinces for that reason, to ensure that we have policy alignment, that we are all pulling in the right direction, and that we remain responsive to local needs.
The process we would pursue would bring us from roughly where we are now through April 1, 2018, which would be the implementation of the new framework. The minister has this obligation in his mandate letter. He will be spending some time between now and July 2016 discussing with the sector where they want to go and what priorities they want to bring to bear.
July 2016 is important because ministers will be meeting in Calgary. One of the issues that will be on the table will be the next policy framework, and where ministers as a collective see that framework going.
It is fair to say that our minister has made a commitment. I believe it will be shared by all ministers, to engage this sector in a fairly robust way between July and whenever programs and policies get put in place. What you will see is a process of officials and ministers engaging the sector at the federal level, within each province, and jointly.