With the opportunity that's available to us in this country with what we have to deal with and the scientific community we have, and the big market for our products worldwide, what we have to make sure, no matter who it is, is that we provide the best product in the most reasonable way possible. That's what our job is here as the government, and your job too, to make sure that the scientists have....
There's an end to the money. You can't provide endless money, but you have to be able to make sure that they have the right.... For instance, analyzing fertilizer and understanding what plants will absorb and what they will not absorb and how much water, this is all so important to the environment. It's just amazing what they do. What it does in the end is that the farmer can produce the crop with less money, and many times a bigger crop. That's what works and that's what will work worldwide, and that's part of what we have to try to do.
That's not to mention there's no end to what you can develop, too, in the resistance line. I grew potatoes, and if anybody ever grew potatoes they knew what the green peach aphid was. It is just a curse to the potato industry and it costs every farmer a lot of money. I don't know where we are with that specific green peach aphid, but if you can produce something that would be resistant to that, you'd save the potato grower a lot of money.
That's in fact where we have been and where we must stay in this country.