I understand and I've heard your concerns. Of course, as you're no doubt fully aware, my officials are doing their work on an ongoing basis on this plan in order to make sure that we can, as a country, accomplish what we have achieved in the trade deal, and to make sure that the regulations are well understood.
Deputy, you could add to that, but that's basically what we do when there are difficulties. There always are, no matter what commodity you're talking about. I think you're fully aware of this, too. Whether it's dairy, grains, oilseeds, or whatever, there are always difficulties with regulations.
Sometimes there's agreement on regulations, but as you're fully aware, then something else enters the deal and causes some trade problems. I think it's a problem continually with the countries that are involved in trade deals.
Yes, we want to make sure that we work to make sure they're harmonized as well as possible. My officials have been working on this.
Perhaps you can add to that, Deputy.