Thank you for the question.
Absolutely, I think that the more resources and effort that the Canadian government puts into identifying and then dealing with non-tariff trade barriers, the better off we are. One of the things in the pork industry that we would love to see is a better-funded and better-staffed Canadian Food Inspection Agency. We value ourselves and I'm very proud of our industry. We can compete with anybody in the world. We just need open borders and regulatory access that's equal, but when non-tariff trade barriers come up, it's impossible to identify them all ahead of time. Sometimes they're created as we access the market. To have a standing committee that's on the lookout and addressing that as its number one priority would be hugely beneficial. Also, to have further resources invested into the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, which is the body we need to certify that we're meeting those export requirements, for us would be hugely beneficial.