The first round of neonic regulations was for Ontario only, but the problem is, to be able to develop the pesticide or insecticide, a company has to be of a certain size. It takes over $100 million U.S. to bring a product to market. The problem is, when they saw Ontario, they saw Canada. These foreign multinationals, when they're trying to get investment for Canada, don't see Ontario as a province within Canada. They see Ontario regulation as Canadians outlawing the use of neonics for corn and soybeans. That's how our multinationals saw it.
Now, PMRA has proposed a decision to phase out imidacloprid, which is one of the three classes of neonics. It's of huge concern. It's also sparked a special re-evaluation of the other two, thiamethoxam and clothianidin. Without access to those, our members will be at an extreme disadvantage. We have some smaller companies that operate on both sides of the border that might consider just operating out of the U.S.