Mr. Chair and committee members, thank you for giving us the time to present today.
My name is Claude Vielfaure. I am president of HyLife.
HyLife was founded in 1994 as a joint venture of two families and has quickly grown to become Canada's leading pork producer, producing 1.9 million hogs annually in Canada and the United States. We have live production facilities in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and North Dakota.
HyLife is a global exporter of pork products worldwide, with the head office in La Broquerie, Manitoba. HyLife also has international offices in Japan, China, Mexico, and the United States. We own a processing facility that processes 1.7 million hogs a year. We currently employ 1,900 people across Manitoba and Saskatchewan, and across the company.
Our operations are vertically structured to encompass all facets of hog production, including wash facilities and baking bays, which we've invested $1.5 million into in the last two years because of PED and in trying to get better biosecurity.
We have feed mill facilities. We have transportation fleets for movement of feed and livestock. We have a construction company, a manure management company that applies manure according to government regulations, and a manufacturing and distribution centre for farm supplies.
You have had some education already on PED, but certainly our production system is three-site production. We have maternities; the piglets are born there. We move them to a nursery site, which is a second site. Then we move them to a finishing site, which is where we raise them to market hogs. Certainly, PED affects all sites and creates lots of virus shedding that reinfects barns in the area, which has been a huge concern of ours. It causes mortality in piglets, as we've heard today.
One important thing to say again is that PED cannot be transmitted to humans or contaminate the human food supply. Let's be clear on that.
As of yesterday, when I had done my presentation, we had 28 outbreaks. Unfortunately, there were two more last night and probably two more were confirmed this morning, so we're at 32.
HyLife has been affected severely by PED in the last month. We have three sow sites, including 7,000 sows; nursery sites, with 25,000 spaces; and finishing sites of 40,000 spaces. So we have 72,000 spaces and 11 sites that have been affected in the last month. It's been a struggle.
Regarding biosecurity challenges, in the past we have been able to control PED outbreaks at our sites. We had one last year. We were very successful in quickly eradicating the disease. However, this year the virus is spreading faster and is more widespread, which has created a lot of virus shedding and has impacted surrounding sites at an alarming rate.
Although we are maintaining strong biosecurity protocols, in most instances, we believe the virus is being spread not by direct link to pig movements, but by air. There have been signs that show the virus does now spread by air. We've actually put some fences between some sites to see. When the wind was blowing, we swabbed the fence and saw that the fence was contaminated with PED. The only way that could have happened was by air. Unfortunately, that's hard to control.
In terms of containment strategies, extra measures are currently being taken to try to contain the spread of the disease by dedicating personnel and equipment to positive sites, for example, livestock trucks and feed trucks. This has caused a lot of challenges within the company to ensure that we have enough equipment dedicated to positive sites to prevent the spread of the disease.
We have enhanced communication strategies to all staff throughout our organization to elevate the biosecurity protocols to educate our staff and to express the associated risks with the disease.
We've had great support from the chief veterinary office in Manitoba. They are putting five-kilometre buffer zones around the sites that become positive. They do weekly testing, and we are on top of all the positive sites as soon as we can be.
In terms of future concerns and challenges, there are supply chain disruptions for us, as we're a vertically integrated company. The spread of PED has caused a significant gap in our production, which will impact hog supply to our HyLife Foods processing facility. As of yesterday, we believe that we've lost 21,000 pigs already to PED, and that will have a direct impact on marketing our pork to our customers. Gaps in production as a result of PED present competitive disadvantages and challenges to our domestic and international customers as far as being able to supply them with pork is concerned.
As for our asks, there is the trusted trucker program to seal the trailers at the U.S. border before the trailers come into Manitoba.
I have a clarification on washing and so on. You can wash a trailer to different levels. You can wash a trailer and it's still half-dirty. You can wash a trailer so that it's very clean.
Our company in Manitoba—but I know a lot of companies in the United States will talk about this too—does a third-party audit of the trailers. Once they are cleaned, washed, and disinfected, we do some swabbing. Then we have a third party come to look to make sure that the washing has been done properly. That's very important. I'm sure that's not being done in the U.S. at most facilities, and it's a real concern.
Washing the trailers at the border is not only for PED; it's for future diseases, for the future of the industry. There are a lot of diseases in the U.S. There are different strains of common pig diseases that we don't want to bring across the border.