I would very much echo many of the comments I've already heard. I think education has to be a big focal point of a national food policy. Speaking to the issues that Mr. Adolphe just raised as well as those by Jean-Charles earlier, one area in which we see a significant opportunity is education, in addition to the issues around food waste and food literacy, and all the benefits it could afford in terms of nutrition and food safety.
More than anything, however, I think there really is an opportunity to raise awareness around the agricultural sector. This has a number of benefits, one of which is closing the gap that was just referred to between many Canadians and their experience with hands-on elements of agricultural production and the entire food value chain. Furthermore, I think the issues around agricultural labour remain major concerns for our members.
One of the benefits of increasing awareness of the sector is in pointing to the many opportunities that exist for careers in this sector. Career promotion and skills development is a huge piece and an area in which a national food policy can play a critical role by identifying the opportunities that exist in the sector, making Canadians more aware of what actually takes place in food production and looking to ways in which we can match the labour demands that exist in this sector with supply from within Canada to meet those needs. That is certainly another critical element to education and a national food policy.