Having taken part in those consultations, I guess the one question we were left with was this. There's an increased emphasis on the environment and environmental sustainability, which we're very much in favour of and also on the public trust side. The only concerns we had were that those should be additional buckets of funding if we want to expand outside what the policy framework has traditionally been, which is about helping farmers grow, market access issues, things like that.
During the consultations, instead of talking about some of the things that traditionally we'd talk about, we talked a lot about environment, sustainability, and the carbon taxes. All well and good if that's the decision. We're all in favour of environmental sustainability, but is that going to come out of the existing bucket of funding? I think that's been less clear than in the other iterations of Growing Forward. If we're adding new things, is there additional funding? Those are the questions I heard from my members. It's very environmentally focused. Are we still going to have the resources for the other core focuses typically then added on?