Nationally, the industry has about 53 milling establishments. I should have said that the companies mill wheat, oats, and barley into wheat flour and other mill wheat products like oatmeal. Of the 53, our members account for 29 or 30 establishments. The other 23 are typically very small enterprises, a number of them family-owned. Some do business only within their province, as is the case in some parts of Quebec and New Brunswick, and in Alberta.
Among our members we have two that I would describe as small enterprises. By virtue of the national definition of a small business, each one of our facilities would not employ more than 100 people, and some fewer than 50. As individual establishments, they're not large. A number of our members are large corporations affiliated with U.S. facilities as well. We're really a North American industry, but about half of the establishments would meet that category.