I'd like to comment on that.
I spoke about misalignment, and that is the misalignment in what is actually being done in terms of active outreach to consumers. There may well be good partnerships with members of the Retail Council who are dealing with consumer education, but we really aren't seeing that consumers are becoming more informed, in my opinion. I don't think there are statistics to indicate that we've really moved the dial to make a lot of improvement in the number of consumers who can comprehend labels and comprehend how to handle food, store it, etc. There has been a misalignment. We have this conflict in which we're telling consumers in Canada and in importing countries that we have a wonderful safe food system, while at the same time we're telling Canadians they have a one in nine chance of being sick from food every year. Statistics don't support that. That's a misalignment.
I cannot speak to access. A very significant problem you're talking about is having local and regional access to a wide variety of foods, but I do believe that there is far too little effort and far too little public expenditure going towards consumer education on nutrition and other things.