Absolutely. For example, in Japan when we talk either fresh or frozen blueberries and cranberries, the opportunities will be significant in the reduction of barriers. For example, right now in Japan, there's a tariff on frozen blueberries. There are different tariffs but the highest one is 9.6%. That one will be eliminated upon entry into force. As soon as the agreement comes into force, it goes to zero. On fresh blueberries there's a tariff of 6% that will also be eliminated immediately.
In terms of alcoholic beverages, in Japan there's a tariff and sometimes, depending on the value of the wine, it's either a tax of 125 yen per litre or a tariff of 15%. That will be eliminated over seven years.
As I said, generally for products like fruit and vegetables, products that aren't sensitive in an import market but where there may still be very high tariffs relatively speaking compared to Canada, these would be eliminated either immediately or over a short transition period.