I think we have a few topics where we have multiple committees looking at the same issue, and the TPP would be one. The trade people are going to be looking at it. Counting backwards from when the TPP will be on the floor of the House, there is a bit of a question there. Within a two-year period, that's going to be discussed. With something like Growing Forward, there is no other committee that's going to be looking at that. That's going to be ours to look at.
Part of my question to the group is, as we're setting priorities, to look at what are the things that only we will be looking at to make sure they do get looked at in the time that they need to. I think August 17 is what I heard around interswitching. Other things around transport, highways included, affect our ability. They also affect our ability to live up to trade deals we have. The whole priority setting is something we don't get a lot of time to do properly from my brief experience here. I'm glad that Growing Forward 2 was put on the table. There could be other topics that we could be doing reports on. You mentioned the issues around bees and pollinators, insecticides, and the use of herbicides, or whatever. We haven't even discussed whether that would be a priority for us or not.
I'm not going to take too much more time, except to say that if trade is already going across the country doing TPP consultations, do we need to duplicate their work, or could we participate in some other way?