Mr. Chair, quite honestly, my concern is that further down in the minister's letter, it says that we want to raise the bar of openness and transparency. That didn't work that well on the tax issue, so this is significant to my industry, your industry, and everyone around this table. If we take that same openness and transparency, I'm afraid that you're going to get consultations behind locked doors and that those that are out in the open....
I actually had a meeting, and, I tell you, they came, and many said, “I don't know what it means, but there's an indication that we're not getting any credit for what we're doing on the environmental scene.” I haven't seen anything with respect to what we're already doing. It leaves the impression that actually we need to do a lot better to get more safe food. We have some of the safest food. When I talk about exports, we can't eat everything that we grow, and the interesting part is that what we don't eat, between our livestock and what we consume as consumers, we export.
Can you tell me how significant the export market is in terms of our protein and particularly in terms of livestock? I know we've talked about the vegetables and the fruits, but I'm talking about....
Let me just focus on the livestock, because when we go to the food guide, it's a direct hit against them. Just how important are the protein exports that we have in Canada?