In those discussions with those key trading partners, if we don't have the best system under the best science, it's very hard to wag our fingers at a trading partner and say, “You should go faster” and they say, “Well, you don't have any service standards.” You say you'll do it in two years, but you can't really point to a rule that says you'll have it done.
Also, we can't apply to China until we have Canadian approval. If it takes two to three years to get ours and then four to five years to get China's, if ours was done in a year, then that would shave a year or two off the end of the approval process. If we have a more streamlined and efficient system in those trade agreement discussions or in bilaterals, we can go forward and say, “We are not just asking you to do better. Let us show you what it looks like to do better. It looks like this.” If you don't have that, it's very hard to criticize someone else's system. I think that would be beneficial for us in those debates as well.