I would say it's in two pieces, time and cost. It takes about two to three years to get a product approved in Canada right now. A large portion of that time is spent with the file sitting in a queue and not being looked at, sometimes for 12 months. If we could get it started faster, it would be finished faster.
The second is the overall data requirements and the cost. That's very limiting to small start-up companies who may want to get into this space. They have a hard time getting started because they can't meet those overall regulatory costs that the big companies can.
If we want to see broad innovation in a lot of small niche markets that are going to build toward this greater goal, we need to impact those costs so we can get those smaller players. Okanagan is a great example of a smaller player. They had to raise a lot of capital to get through that regulatory process to get that product on the market.