I grew up on a potato farm in P.E.I. and I've seen this evolve just in my lifespan. When I was young, we had the first kind of GPS mapping of our fields and it was on half-kilometre squares and now you're getting it down to applying lime where the lime spreader is changing how much it's putting on as you drive down the field. It's really incredible. That mapping is taking off and you're starting to see farmers farm with drones to look at different disease issues in different corners of the farm. Maybe all they have to do is spray in one part and not the whole field because they don't have a full field issue.
Gathering that data and storing it both for the uses it has now and the uses it will have in the future that we don't even know about yet.... But if you hadn't mapped it now, looking back you wouldn't be able to see those trends. I think Susie's group and the data they're collecting is going to be part of that. Precision farming is going to be front and centre in every element between the seeds you use in one part of your fields...maybe you'll change varieties in the future as you're driving down the field because you know one corner is different from another corner. It's not going to be as simple as one variety in 100 acres. You're going to see things start to change.