The minimum grain volumes were put in place to expedite the transportation of grain to the ports. There was a record crop, 30% higher than average, and a particularly cold winter that year, which resulted in trains having to run at reduced speeds and with shorter consists, so volume requirements were put in place to have the railways ensure that they were moving the crop to market.
Extended interswitching distances for all commodities across the three prairie provinces, given the huge crop and the backlog of grain, was designed to allow for increased competition. Shippers would be able to access other railways to move the grain, essentially.
Defining operational terms in service level agreements was getting clarity on the terms that are subject to arbitration in a service level agreement, such that it would encourage the use of those service level agreements that came into force in the rail freight service review the year before, I believe it was, which were being underutilized.
The compensation provisions that allowed shippers to claim compensation for levels of service failures were again in relation to complaints about the railways not meeting service obligation and that these failures were costing shippers money and that they should be compensated for them. Railways were allowed to have in their contracts and in their dealings with the shippers the ability to charge penalties for cars being released late; this would provide shippers with the ability to claim for out-of-pocket expenses caused by the cars arriving to them late and for their having staff there whom they had to pay and who were there essentially for nothing.