Fair enough. I'll be quick.
Soil degradation has been a concern since the beginning of farming. This was the climate change issue of the 1920s, with everybody bothered about that. What has happened in the last few decades is that forests have made a huge comeback in advanced economies, and the key issue here is that people have replaced resources produced from the surface of the land with resources that came from underneath. Because of petroleum products, we've seen the abandonment of marginal agricultural lands and the reforestation of most advanced economies. If you care about soil conservation, this is really the way to go.
In terms of water, water is like everything else. For economic reasons, farmers have used less and less of it over time, and if we want to adapt to climate change, again, we should have more trade liberalization so that regions like Canada that have a lot of water are able to ship products that use a lot of water to regions of the world that have less of it. Again, by building resiliency with more long-distance trade and more petroleum products, we should be able, overall, to better adapt to climate change.
I apologize for that. It didn't take that much time when I was rehearsing.