Thank you very much.
We received just a little under a million dollars to do a greenhouse gas mitigation project. We're planting willow trees not in but near the buffer zones on our farms. That's to do two things.
One is to sequester the carbon in the soil. We're working with a professor from Dalhousie University and we'll be hiring two master's students who will look at the greenhouse gas emissions from the trees and do measurements on the sequestration of the carbons in the soil.
We're also using this as an agroforestry best management practice. It's fairly easy. The willow trees are easy to plant, and they grow fast. With that fast growth, they're cut every three years. After they're cut, they grow back even more rapidly. They create more habitat within the fields for wildlife species.
We were pushing this project because we see a lot of environmental benefits, and it's also a very easy and cheap practice that can be adopted by the farmers. With this project, we're working on 12 different sites across the province. We have 12 sites planted. The testing and the research will be going on over five years for this particular project.
What we're hoping for at the end of this project is that we will have demonstrated to farmers that this is a very easy thing for them to do within their grassland areas. These are areas that have already been taken out of production, so they're not taking anything away from their existing crop production areas. Also, willow trees are easy to plant and easy to manage.
One of our researchers who we work really closely with on two other projects has just made a proposal to extend that project to look at the biomass. You're cutting the trees every three years, and he's looking at applying that biomass back to the potato fields to combat disease and build organic matter in the soils. Right now, he has proposed that research for five to 10 years as an extension of this project.
We're hoping that at the end of the day there's an agroforestry best management practice that will be easily adopted by most of our potato producers across the island and elsewhere.