One thing I'm sure of is that I will always have an opinion. That's the reality I would hope this committee is looking toward, not only at the TPP agreement but also the replacement for Growing Forward 2, so that both will continue to incentivize and assist Canadian agriculture to reach its full potential. Therefore, for a young farmer, whether or not they wish to be in supply management, grains and oilseeds, or some form of animal production or into horticultural production, the reality is that they need to have a solid business plan so they can see that the value was there to proceed to look for financial backing to get there.
So when there are issues sitting out there right now that may give rise to questions about some of this or raise the ire of a banker who doesn't understand.... The reality is that when the grandfathers of today's grandfathers retired, 50% of the population was still farming. When a grandfather retires today, it's now 1.4%.