On the oilseed side, Mr. Warkentin, as I expressed earlier, often in these trade agreements you have duty-free access on seed, but then you have what's called tariff escalation, where the products are tariffed at a higher level, which reduces our value-added opportunity. Canada now has 14 major-size oilseed plants, and they've come about, I think, as a result of free trade with the United States, where companies could predictably invest. There must have been $1.5 billion in new oilseed processing plants in the last 10 years. We've doubled our capacity over that period of time. That allows access to the lucrative U.S. market, but it also allows...if you reduce those higher tariffs on products in countries like Japan, where we have a very strong market already, us an opportunity to turn seed exports into oil exports at a higher value-added than in the Canadian marketplace.