Our industry would say that the ball goes in our favour. You're right about the threat of trade agreements, and one of the threats is that if we're not there and the other countries go ahead and sign trade agreements—for example, with Japan.... There's a good example of the Australian–Japan trade agreement whittling away tariffs for a competitor there, so that would be one risk.
As you know, our calling card internationally is quality. In the food-grade market, Canada produces the highest quality soybeans, so we can compete against those, and we compete very handily in Japan against the United States, for example, with high-quality soybeans. Another one is food safety. Canada is well known for having a reputation for a high-quality regulatory agency and for high standards of food safety, which in Asia in these times is pretty critical. They've had circumstances there where they doubt the food quality of some of the nations they import from.
We think that if there's a level playing field, and rules and dispute mechanisms where we can go back as a smaller exporter to ask for redress on an unfair issue, that's critical and to our advantage in a rules-based trade system.