Excuse me. I have the floor.
I appreciate that, but again, they should have done this weeks and months ago. We're not here to stand up for the rail companies. We're here to try to address the situation, and it is critical. I would prefer that we meet next week. March 15 would be one date. That's the deadline that the CFA and some of our stakeholders asked for.
Really briefly on my colleague Mr. Drouin's comment on the letter that we should be writing to the Senate, the Senate is not our problem. The Senate is the Senate. Again, this is something that should have been addressed months ago. Also, Bill C-49 may not even resolve all the problems. Our stakeholders, the grain terminals, and the producers also asked for the government to come up with a plan to try to address some of the backlog. Will we solve all the problems? No, but we can certainly put some things in place that will help alleviate some of the situations.
In conclusion, Mr. Chair, I would suggest that we try to meet next week if at all possible and that the government work on putting the infrastructure and the framework in place for an order in council to get the grain moving, and that it take some concrete steps to protect our grain producers and our trade markets that are out there and ensure that we get the grain moving sooner rather than later.