Thank you, Mr. Chair and the committee, for inviting me to talk about rail transportation and how Bill C-49 can help to prevent the same chaotic situation from happening again.
Right now demurrage costs for vessels waiting at port are escalating, farmers are experiencing significant disruption in their cash flow, and international markets are yet again facing volatile delivery dates. You'll hear more about this in later presentations.
We are here today because a mere four years after an unprecedented breakdown in rail transportation amounting to billions of dollars of losses to the Canadian agricultural economy, we are on the verge of exactly the same disaster. The Canadian Transportation Agency, the CTA, held a review, and three years ago the agricultural industry submitted 10 recommendations to this review that if implemented in their entirety would most certainly have helped prevent this near repeat of the 2013-14 disaster.
Incidentally, recommendation 1, which was to give the CTA own-motion authority, which I will address in more detail shortly, would have prevented the current disastrous scenario, because everyone, including the CTA, was aware of a pending crisis as early as last October. The railways were either unaware or didn't care, knowing that the grain would wait. For the short term, and to solve the current crisis, we ask the minister to look at all options available. If that means mandating volume, we simply ask that it be done strategically to ensure that all geographic areas and commodities are equally well serviced.
Second, FCC and several banks have already announced various mitigation programs. The CFA would support Rick's comments about the advance payments program to address any cash flow issues farmers may be experiencing, and would support the expansion and higher levels as recommended.
For the long term, the needs have changed. At first it was thought that just an immediate implementation of Bill C-49 would serve us well and perhaps even prevent a repeat of 2013-14, and there was an urgent push to pass legislation quickly, even at the expense of several important amendments. Not everyone believes that this is the key thing right now. We have to ensure that Bill C-49 has the tools to prevent the current crisis from happening again. As it is currently written, it does not, as confirmed by many industry players, including CN, which at the CFA annual meeting said that the passage of Bill C-49 would not have avoided the current crisis. They went on to say that only end-to-end data collection, analysis, and fact-based decision-making could solve the problem. This sounds like a ringing endorsement to give CTA own-motion authority, since for the data to have any value, someone must have the authority to investigate and mandate solutions before a problem has started.
Honourable members, the Canadian Federation of Agriculture recommends the following with some urgency.
First, Bill C-49 should be amended to give the CTA investigative authority and the authority to act on its findings by mandating solutions. This would be, for example, investigative authority to be able to request information and data relevant and robust enough to provide a clear picture of transportation logistics, and own-motion authority to proactively mandate solutions. The second is to expedite passage of the bill after the inclusion of industry-submitted amendments.
Allow me to quote the Canada Transportation Act review. It recommended “amending the Canada Transportation Act to confer upon the Agency investigative powers, and the authority to act on the Agency’s own motion and on an ex parte basis, as well as to address issues on a systemic basis and to issue general orders.” The agency itself has requested own-motion powers in its most recent annual report, highlighting it as a major weakness in its ability to discharge regulatory responsibility. Shippers from across all sectors broadly support that request. This amendment will ensure that the regulator has the authority to proactively monitor the system, identify and investigate problems before they become a crisis, and take necessary action.
Own-motion authorities are not exceptional powers in Canadian economic regulation. Other expert quasi-judicial tribunals and regulators often have broader own-motion authorities. The agency's predecessor, the National Transportation Agency, had broad powers to address problems without a formal complaint. The National Energy Board and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission also have the power to act without complaint to address issues within their jurisdiction.
To reiterate, an extension of the agency's own-motion authority would allow for proactive solutions and inquiries when there are reasonable grounds for believing a problem might exist. Such grounds could include statistical evidence, a pattern of complaints, or consistent and credible media reports regarding a transportation service provider's financial difficulties or service failings.
We further support amendments suggested by various industry players, including the long-haul interswitch provision, and the inclusion of pulse crops in the MRE, which would help make our own grain transportation network more competitive and more capable of serving our growing international markets.
The CFA dismisses the argument that amendments will delay the passage of the bill. Members know that this does not have to be the case. Amendments suggested to date have been made by knowledgeable industry players striving to build an effective competitive transportation network and to provide the confidence we need as we continue to grow our international markets.
In conclusion, the excuses of winter weather and unexpected yields don't pass the smell test. The real reason, cutting costs to increase shareholder value rather than focusing on customer service, is much clearer. Information that included higher-than-expected yields, inventory, and grain movement requirements compared to previous years was well known by industry players as early as last October. The fact is that we can no longer depend on railways to get it right without significant regulatory and legislative guidance and authority.