I would like to clarify something. We are not blaming it on the winter. Nonetheless, when winter arrived, we were not as well prepared as we should have been, and we admit that. So that is why we announced specific measures. In particular, we increased the number of locomotives available right now and increased the number of staff. The people we hire will be with us for years to come. So I would say that the problem is not the winter itself, but rather the fact that we were not well prepared.
We have been very active in the House, including in the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities. We have drafted briefs and talked to various MPs. Right now, we are working with the Senate on an ongoing basis. The Senate is clearly a different environment than it used to be, and we have to talk to various senators. At CN, we have spent a lot of time meeting with senators and explaining the issues in the rail industry, and the importance of a balanced bill for all of us. We do think it is a balanced bill. While the rail companies clearly do not like additional regulations, we have to admit that certain provisions of the bill will among other things speed up the investments that we need to meet our challenges.
Michael Cory and I have 37 and 25 years of experience in the industry respectively, so we can say that if we had the missing information, the information that is not shared, we could be better prepared.