One of the areas the food inspection agency is very much focused on is e-certification. We have a platform we've just started this year that is e-certification, so we're looking at both food from animal origins and plant origins. That will be something that will allow us to have inspection certificates well in advance to be able to—as your colleague, Mr. MacGregor, asked about—look at things in advance. Also, we're working with some of the international standard-setting bodies. The IPPC, the International Plant Products Convention, is looking at a platform to facilitate phytosanitary certificates to be shared amongst countries in advance, and also at creating a database.
We are evolving. It is very clear the amount of food product that is being traded internationally from all countries all the time means that we have to use our resources smarter, quicker—all of those types of things that you're aware of. There is very much a change and an opportunity to look at technology and where it can help us. As I said to Mr. MacGregor, also under budget 2016, we were able to get resources at the food inspection agency to actually do inspections and audits of systems and verify plants prior to product coming to Canada. So if there are problems, for example, the problem stays out there. It doesn't come into Canada.