Thank you. Yes, I would like to continue. As well as the fruit-related examples, there's one example I think is very important, because it shows you the unexpected consequences. We've been working for many years on what's called “supercritical fluid extraction”, which is the use of high-pressure carbon dioxide to extract different value-added products from oats. This is with an Alberta company called Ceapro, which is well known. We've developed that technology in collaboration with them.
We've been working in this technology. We've had a local company do lots of modifications to the equipment we've had, and because of that they've developed expertise in manufacturing this equipment. Now they're selling it to the cannabis industry for extraction of cannabinoids. This equipment sells for between $1 million to $2 million apiece. It's a very successful new business for this company. It was unexpected, but it's built on developing that technology around the extraction from food.
I think that for the honey product, and of course for the supercritical extraction, intellectual property is very important. Mostly in the food industry, unfortunately it's very difficult to claim intellectual property. It's usually a trade secret because it's very difficult to make a case for many new products unless they're highly technological. The honibe product was.
Another client working with us is doing a process for aging whisky very successfully. This particular process reduces the time to age whisky to develop into a product that tastes like a 10-year-old whisky, and it's done within 40 minutes. This has been taken up by a company from Scotland that is selling products in North America, and they've started a test market this year in the U.S. of 10,000 cases of this product to see how well it does. They've had very good results with it, and they can individualize the product quality. ...too much detail, but it's a very interesting process, and it's probably going to be used around the world to age spirits.