There are a couple of things. In the short term, where we would look to see if we were meeting the demand of producers would be in programs like the advance payment program and also through the Farm Credit Corporation. Were we seeing a big uptick in demand? I would say we managed. We didn't see major shifts in demand. I can't speak for FCC in great detail, but it is my understanding that they didn't see any great change from their side. I would say, certainly under our advance payment program, I don't think we saw major shifts, which would suggest that there's room in that program should producers need it, for sure.
The second part's all divvied up, on the BRM and the main estimates. This is really a projection we do to give folks a sense. It is demand-dependent, so obviously if situations were different, better or worse, then we would expect to see lower or higher BRM program dollar costs. That projection is there based on our forward look at the sector.
I know I'm probably running out of time on this, but I'd just say we're coming off, pretty much, a record year in terms of net income. We think this year coming up or this current year will be about the second-highest on record. That largely reflects a slight downtick in net income and the program responding to that.