Sure. Why don't I start off on that.
There are a couple of things. The money under the career focus program is obviously for students to get work experience in the areas of interest to them. I think this is a great chance to bring people into the sector. It's a broader program that obviously works across the government.
I would say that it's one of a number of pieces that happen in different places. Some are co-op opportunities that may happen through universities. We have organizations like 4-H and others that are out there promoting the sector and interest in the sector. Indeed, just as a sidebar, I think there was a national science competition for students a couple of weeks ago, and a number of 4-H students finished close to the top of that, bringing agricultural science to the fore. There are a range of opportunities.
I would also say that within the department we do a lot of student hiring. Some summers ago it was over 1,000 students with all of the people who come into our research centres. There are multiple places where we can work on promoting the sector as an interesting place for people to work, where they can have fulfilling careers.