Thank you very much, Pierre. As you know, it's $350 million to invest: $250 million for the producer and $100 million for the processor. Of course, these were put in place to make sure that the farmers and the processors were on the cutting edge. For example, I've been at a number of farms where they have robots, automatic cleaners. In fact, some operations could run if mankind left for a week or so. It's amazing what takes place, but they're large and they have to have all the innovation possible, and they do.
What this does, of course, is make the supply management sector even stronger. But you're asking me, too, what has been spent at the moment. Over $66 million has already been approved for dairy farms across Canada, of which $26 million is in Quebec, and $24 million of the money has been approved for the processing industry right across the country. This is vitally important both ways because the consumption of dairy products is increasing continually and we have to make sure we provide the products.
The consumer asks for a different product, and that's what you have to provide whether it's in the beef industry or the dairy industry, or whatever it happens to be. You have to be able to provide the product. You have to be able to provide the product in the way the consumer wants it. This program, as I think you are all aware, was put together with the agricultural sector. It came from the bottom up. It came from the farmers up through. Was $350 million enough?
What is enough? It is a major asset to the industry and hopefully it will continue as we have spent a good bit of money and will continue to do so. What it will do is make sure that the dairy farmers and the dairy processors remain on the cutting edge. That is vitally important no matter where you are.
I think farmers have been innovators from day one anyway, because quite simply being farmers, for example, there are ways of moving stuff. They are always inventing ways of making the job a little more convenient. Perhaps grain is up instead of down. There are just so many things you can do to cut the costs, and, of course, with these dollars we are able to make sure it's even cut more, and that puts more money into the pockets of farmers, which is exactly what I want to do.