I'm going to start with that.
I mentioned the tax credit model as one potential tool, and there are a few other pieces of current input costs. We're looking down the barrel of a regulatory change under the safe food for Canadians regulations, where lot codes of consumer packed goods will require new packaging for many growers. The packaging costs alone under this current environment will add additional economic burden as we move forward. What we would ask is that the government postpone the implementation or delay that implementation of the lot code requirements on consumer packed goods for produce items to give the growers an opportunity to adjust to the current market, maintain current inventories of packaging, and continue to roll out and meet consumer demand.
I mentioned the tax credit, and the other piece of that also starts looking at creative models that enable wage subsidies. We've heard that the provinces look at how we enable essential services, and food seems to be missed out. On a call earlier today, there was a note that Quebec, B.C. and P.E.I. may be the only provinces.... How can the federal government support and enable the provinces in a federal model that can have some additional wage top-up for farmers and produce supply chain operators to take some of the burden away from the costs and stress they're under for production?