On the study we did recently, three key points came out of that.
Number one was the cap, simply because the size of the businesses has increased to such a level that the cap is no longer a successful tool and it caps out the large growers.
The second point was the 70% trigger point. That would cause many farms to go bankrupt before they got a trigger. My easiest example is that if we have a 25% reduction in our sales, which could be a result of what happened at Easter, we're still not triggering a payout. The challenge with it is that the secondary part of it is that when you get a 70% payment on that, the amount of money isn't there.
The third part of that is the whole variety of expenses that are inside of our cost structure that are not allowable expenses inside of the AgriInvest claims, with two of the big ones, of course, being interest and capital costs.